How to Manage Time for Blogging?

Blogging has become a passion for many; many people are taking to writing blogs on the topic that interest them or on personal experiences. Blogging not only helps in expressing one’s ideas, feelings and opinions; but it also helps in enhancing one’s knowledge base and creativity. It also helps many to earn a living or pocket money.

Let us now talk about some of the benefits of blogging

  • It helps in the expression of one’s philosophy, knowledge and ideas.
  • It helps in enhancing one’s writing skills and vocabulary.
  • There are a lot of sites which encourage bloggers to write for them, in other words, they provide a platform for the bloggers to express themselves.
  • Blogging can also earn you money, many websites and companies employ bloggers to write for them and pay them in return.
  • Blogging also encourages one’s self-esteem and self-confidence, as people read and appreciate blogs written by them.

Although a lot of people have taken to blogging nowadays,  only a few know how to manage time for blogging? In this blog, we are just going to talk about this aspect. First, let us understand why time management while blogging is important? One has to perform multiple tasks and undertake numerous responsibilities on daily basis. One has to take care of his/her family, one has to handle work responsibilities, one has to take personal time to relax along with time for blogging. Therefore time management is essential and crucial.

 Here are some useful and efficient tips on ‘How to manage time for blogging’:

  • Prioritizing: As one has to handle numerous responsibilities, it is always better to prioritize tasks on the basis of their importance, and requirements. Make a list of the things you need to do in the day and put the most important tasks on the top. Remember to put down blogging as one of the priority tasks.
  • Making time in between: Try to make use of free time within tasks to finish off short blogs or unfinished blogs. If due to some reason a particular task gets postponed or cancelled use hat time for blogging.
  • Weekends: One gets a lot of free time during weekends or holidays. Use some quality time to blog during weekends or holidays.
  • Focus: When you are blogging, make sure that you don’t get distracted by other things, or  let other activities
  • Research: Research thoroughly about the topic you are going to write about, make sure to incorporate valuable keywords for search engine optimisation. While writing a blog try to be offline so that you are able to express your ideas in your own language. This will not only save time but will also help you develop plagiarism free blogs. Refer to the internet only to gain knowledge on a topic.
  • Set realistic goals: It is very essential to set goals, like what you plan to write, how much time you will need or spend on that blog, how much time you require to research about the topic and so on. It is very essential to set realistic goals and targets so that you can practically attain them.
  • Take breaks: it is always better to take breaks while blogging, as this keeps the mind relaxed and refreshed. One can express well after a relaxation phase. One can check emails, listen to some music,  drink some coffee and so on and then get back to blogging again.
  • Organise yourself: As you have to take care of multiple responsibilities and tasks, therefore it is very essential for you to stay organised.  Plan your day in advance, make a checklist of the tasks that are to be completed, work within the set time frame and so on.
  •  Outsourcing: If you find yourself overloaded with work, or need to divert your blogging time for some family or work responsibility. Then it is always better to outsource the blogging work to some responsible and reliable person, who would help you complete your work at the scheduled time. This aspect especially applies to those who are professional bloggers and earn from their blogs.
  • Write when you feel like: Writing is a creative activity, therefore sometimes it becomes difficult to follow a schedule for blogging. Sometimes you may experience an urge to write, if so then write when you feel like writing a blog.
  • Listing: In your free time, make a list of the topics which you would like to blog about. Then develop blogs in accordance to that blog list.
  • Use timer: When you plan your blogging schedule, you also decide upon how much time you will spend on writing a blog. When you start writing a blog then use a timer to time yourself, to maintain the time schedule. This will help you in keeping an eye on the time left to complete the blog.
  • Work pace: It is advisable that one chooses a good place to sit and blog. Try to change the place of blogging at regular intervals, to avoid boredom. Try to make the workplace lively and interesting, so that your mood gets refreshed.
  • Positivity: While blogging work with a positive mindset. Positivity enhances creativity and makes the blogging interesting.

If one follows these tips, then he will surely be able to write interesting and productive blogs. Following these tips will also help one to manage time in an efficient and effective manner to deliver creative and attractive blogs.


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