We’d all be lying if we said we didn’t count the days till Friday. In school, we waited for the weekend to play with our friends. In college, we waited for the weekend to go out with our friends. As an adult, we wait for weekends to finally catch up on our much needed sleep. It never gets old. Surprise surprise, Friday evening in my favourite time of the week too. So Friday’s finally here and as the ritual continues, I’m sitting in the freezing cold of Delhi winters, enjoying an extra hot cup of Caramel Macchiato.
I always considered myself a coffee person, but for 21 years I hated my coffee hot. I thought I was a cold coffee person until I was introduced to the hot coffees in Starbucks. It started off with a cup of Cappuccino, which gradually turned into their 2021 Winter Special drink- Choux Latte. Trust me when I say this, that drink became my go to drink. It obviously didn’t stay for very long because it was a seasonal beverage, but I thank my stars for the variety Starbucks offers of tasty hot coffees during these dreadful winters.
Say hello to my new favourite drink, which by now some of you might have obviously guessed, Caramel Macchiato. It’s available all year round, but the cherry on top of the cake is that it they have it as Iced Caramel Macchiato for summers too! This coffee has the perfect blend of Vanilla, Caramel, and Espresso. Explained by Starbucks, “Freshly steamed milk with vanilla-flavored syrup is marked with espresso and topped with caramel drizzle.” This burst of flavour in your mouth would leave you wanting more, and I am here to vouch for that as a coffee lover. If you haven’t tried it already, I would a 100% recommend you to try it this winter.

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