Prime Minister Narendra Modi introduced the concept of digital India. A campaign was launched by the Government of India to introduce its citizens to digitization. It aimed at providing its citizens with high-quality government services by improving electronic online structures and e-governance. The concept was launched with the objective to technologically empower its citizens digitally.
PM Modi introduced the digital India concept on 2nd June 2015, with the objective to connect rural areas with the concept of digitization. Provide them with high quality and high-speed internet facilities. The digital India concept had the following objectives:
- To make the citizens of the country, especially the rural population literate in terms of digitization.
- It aims at enhancing the area of electronic services, goods, manufacturing and job opportunities.
- Aims to make the citizens digitization friendly to develop a paperless India.
- Aims to improve and improvise electronic services.
- Aims to convert governance of India into e-governance system. So that there is transparency in whatever is done.
- To lessen and control corruption in the governance system, and overall management system.
The digital India campaign focuses on providing services like:
- Digital locker system
- E-health concept
- E-education system
- E-governance system
- E-finance system
- The launch of Botnet cleaning centers.
- It also emphasis on introducing a cashless transaction system in the country
How will these services be beneficial to the citizens of the country?
- Digitization will make everything simple and easy to handle, it encourages a paper-free system and transparency.
- It also enhances quick access to all documents and processes.
- Facilities like digital locker will enable people o to store their important documents like educational certificates, PAN cards, Passport etc electronically. This will eliminate manual management and storage of such documents. They can be accessed with a click.
- Citizens can share their views and grievances regarding overall management and governance through websites assigned for this purpose (MY This will assist in developing effective policies and doing away with the useless ones with loopholes.
- Digitization will make registration in educational institutions, hospitals, government schemes and more things easy. People can register and pay online instead if running from one pillar to another.
- Mobile apps will simplify acquiring services easy, like obtaining medical reports; enrolling for Aadahar, passports etc; obtaining examination admit cards and so on.
- Digitization will also simplify payment related processes like electricity and water bills, mobile bills, payment of fees and so on.
- Digitization will bring banks to the doorstep of the population, especially in the rural areas. One would be able to do all monitory transactions on a single click, deposit and withdrawal money, get access to bank account details, and apply for loans, repayment of loan EMIs and so on.
- Railway stations, hotels, markets etc will be linked up with high-quality internet and WiFi connectivity, so that the citizens cam=n make use of them while traveling.
- The process of digitization will also strengthen the taxation system of the country, as e-billing and invoice system will force every customer to ask for a bill for whatever they purchase; the manufacturers and shop owners will also have to submit their sales and profit details to the government, which will indirectly boost tax benefits and revenues.
- Digitization will also boost online shopping activities, where one would be the able order or shop for goods and services just sitting at home, goods and services will be home delivered, even in the rural areas. This facility will enable the rural population to get access to things which are unavailable in their area.
- High-quality internet facilities and electronic structures will also enable masses in the remote areas to get access to higher courses and degrees, through e-education systems. Students will be able to enroll online and also avail study tutorials online and they can appear for online examinations.
- Digitization will encourage a cashless transaction system, which will eliminate middlemen corruption on a whole. It will enhance transparency, which the citizens will be saved from the burden of corruption and frauds.
PM Modi introduced the concept of digitization after much research and planning and keeping in mind long time fruitful goals and objectives. Although the concept will take a bit of time to initialize to its expected results, as most people are new to this concept, especially the rural belt, which comprises the maximum population of the country. But once it sets itself, India will experience a vast economic and developmental revolution. It will also help India to be recognized as one of the most powerful countries of the world one day.
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