Category «Psychology»


Having some snacks while working

After 5 hours of continuous work when my stomach says you need to have something, I m feeling hungry I replied “give me ten minutes, let me finish this article then I will make you happy”.

In that period my stomach made me remember many times are “jaldi kr, bhuk lgi h”.

6 Tips for managing your time effectively

One of the main recipes of success is effective time management. Every one of us has got 24 hours in a day. But how you utilize those 24 hours makes all the difference! Time management is a skill that can be developed over time. It requires focus and determination and above all, patience.

Natural ways to decrease anxiety and stress-Improve wellness

Silhouette Photo of Woman Against during Golden Hour - ways to decrease anxiety
Nature Heals – ways to decrease anxiety

Being anxious is a feeling of being nervous, worrying, or being at unease about an uncertain outcome. It is one of the most common mental health issues. We all, at some point in time felt anxious or stressed over a certain situation. We would have tried to suppress the uneasy feeling, but it only grew stronger.

5 Best Motivational Books To Read in 2020

While all of us stuck at home during this quarantine, with our plans and schedules thwarted, it is easy to get demotivated and anxious about the future. But we can be optimistic and utilize this time in a useful manner to develop ourselves and learn new skills. Also, since reading books is a good pastime and books give you a lot of knowledge and wisdom, you should grab a good inspirational book soon and start reading it.

Benefits of waking up early: How does it help in achieving goals

Benefits of walking up early
Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” So how does waking up early help in achieving goals?

Many influential people like Tim Cook, Michelle Obama, Indra Nooyi emphasize on waking up early. Whatever be their motivation to do so, be it getting extra time to work out, or review their plans for the day, or do their daily chores, they surely have been able to bear the fruit of waking up early.

Why Frequent Travelers Are More Likely To Be Successful

Why Frequent Travelers Are More Likely To Be Successful

To be a well-rounded individual, it is important to have more to your life than just the everyday mundane routine work. For this reason, some people have hobbies, others have their ways of relaxing like attending plays, matches, concerts or just enjoying the weekends. On the other hand, some people travel.

5 Things That Will Help You Believe In Yourself

5 Things That Will Help You Believe In Yourself

Life isn’t easy for anyone. There come certain moments in life when you face setbacks that cause you to lose faith in yourself. You might think your problems are just too big and that nothing can be done to eliminate them. But if you see from a different perspective, problems are just opportunities in disguise.

Do Marks Matter? Is Percentage Accountable for Success

Do marks Matter?

Our Society Gives marks Huge importance but Do they have a great impact in future…

Exams! Results! Percentage, these words are like swords for students especially teens. The education system that we are in (In India: Thanks to the government for changing it) is more of marks oriented than learning-oriented. Also, we are regularly pointed out that you need to score more, and marks are generally related to future success.

How To Not Get Distracted At Work

How To Not Get Distracted At Work

We live in a day and age where it is impossible to Not Get Distracted At Work. The era and up-gradation of the internet and just electronic devices as a whole have a big impact on what we do in a day, sometimes even leaving us unproductive and distracted. This can lead to a lack of productivity which will create a cycle of chasing deadlines.