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I am a Consultant, Blogger & Entrepreneur, and Trainer from New Delhi, India. I provide training for Programming Languages, Blogging, Digital Marketing and SEO, Online Money Making, AdSense Ad Optimization. Reach me through WhatsApp: +91-7838150833

15 Major Blogging mistakes to avoid

Hello friend, I found this image on twitter.

If you are a blogger, you should read all points mentioned in the images. You should not make these 15 mistakes and if you’re making these mistakes you should fix immediately.

Here is the image – showing the major 15 blogging mistake to avoid

Charging point available – Not for laptop charging

This is really very tough for a blogger (who is crazy for blogging like me – Ha Ha Ha!!!) to write blogs or working on a laptop in a Train (Sleeper coach). (see the below image)

On 22nd February 2018, I was travelling to my hometown (Gwalior), I worked for half an hour, since my laptop was not charged and I had to work (because journey time is around 5 hours and it is sufficient time for a blogger – who is a full-time employee in another company) on updating, writing etc.

Major Google Updates

1) Panda : 24 Feb 2011

Focus on :

  • Duplicate content,
  • Thin content,
  • keyword stuffing
  • and user-generated spams

How Panda Works: Panda assign a quality score to a web page. This score used as a ranking factor.  In initial rollout, Panda was a filter rather than part of Google ranking algorithm.

Google Analytics Terminology

Dimensions: A dimension in GA is generally a descriptive attribute of an object that can be given different values. Exit pages, screens and sessions duration, browsers are all example of dimensions appeared by default in Google Analytics.

Metrics: Metrics are the individual elements of a dimension which can be measured as sum, average or ratio.

AMP Pages: A brief introduction

Friends you may have heard the term AMP or Accelerated Mobile Pages.  Today I am going to give you a brief A.

Basically, AMP is the project designed by Google and Twitter with the aim to make fast mobile pages.

An AMP page is a lightweight version of any existing HTML Page.

Sometimes time is a barrier in blogging

I am a full-time employee of a company and manage three websites simultaneously, it becomes really tough for me to manage all the websites with the full-time job.

Due to a shortage of time, sometimes I am not able to:

  • Take breakfast in the morning.
  • Make a call to my parents and friends.